Sunday, July 31, 2011

When love bleeds

It ended before it started. But before the end, it all started with love.

He, He fell in love with that creamy curdy damsel with the sharpest contour. She was the finest; evidenced by cemetrial silence when she moves amongst other human species. She was fair to the skin, and her eyes were gentle and pale like the aftermath of weeping clouds. She had this epileptic smile, a smile that exposed more teeth than you could imagine. A smile thats always full of life. It was easy to get infected when she smiled. He got infected quite alright. The infection spread fast and past his entire body defense. She made him fall. He fell too sick to fall out of what hes fallen into; love.

I would love too if this description is true, but in truth, he, he was in mad love.

She, She fell in love with than dark skin hombre with shiny dimples. He was the finest, evidenced by his unrelenting sway, swag and style. He made words that rhyme in iambic pentameter. He had this charismatic gait; that gait that augurs confidence and protection. Filled with humor, smiles easily too. He got all the ladies and all em single chicks wanting, wishing he would be the one, wishing he could be the one to rouse their spirits. He doused her living when he walked past and said hi. He made her feel rare. He made her feel sturdy and alive. And in his eyes, kind and gentle, she felt loved.

You would love too if this description was true, but in truth, she's his for the loving as heaven knows shes was crazy in love.

Time, ticking away our lives like ticks sucking away the cows blood.

I watched them both fall. Every night, they stay by the railing on the balcony, cooing soft gentle words in the discreet wind that surrounds them. They laugh loudly in unfathomable joy and excitement. Carelessly they kiss romantically and for those that peep, there was wanting in our eyes.

Seeing them on these nights made me want to love but this story is about their love so lets continue.

It was a massive ceremony, that day.

A grand occasional, crme de la crme. Everyone made witness, even I was there. Everyone made that day memorable.

She was the first angel my eyes saw. Gently, softly, she walked down the aisle like she was floating in air, she hid her infective smile behind flowering shields and he, he was standing right there waiting for his bride, ignoring the envious looks of millions un-loved girls in the crowd. His dimples sparkle like mini suns at sight while he waited in time for his love to rise.

The lovers kiss was shocking. I wished the same for myself someday.

Their lips moved gently in open space, the air impeding moved swiftly as wanting lips came closer. A few second before impact, they came to a stop. Twas like they took time out to hesitate on the feelings that was about to be felt. Just after that, with great will, their lips moved in great speed and gently, her upper lips came in contact with his lower lips and solemnly, they sucked on each others lips like an infant tired of sucking but in their own case, they werent tired of sucking, they sucked with such passion and definitely, love flowed in the air and everybody that day and that time felt loved.

6 months later and I could see life and love bloom through her abdomen. She didnt change still, unlike most other that loose shape and composure acting irrationally, vomiting all over the place since their abdomen has been compressed by a living fetus. At 6 months, at close stare, you'll still see her angel eyes mixed with her crimson smile, a crimson lady about to give birth to an angel, live.

The morning was cold. Her abdomen was uniformly distended. The baby was yet to kick though. She turned gently to catch a good view of her loves dimple. He was drunk asleep, working overtime to make ends meet. She understands. Shell keep the understanding because this love will still hold if its better and stronger if it goes worse.

She took a sincere gaze at the open window. Morning birds chirping left right. School children running up and down and that feeling propped up. It was time to puke, time to react to the rising gravity from a growing fetus. Gently, she took quick brisk step to the bath, quick enough just to puke into the open toilet. The vomit was pale and warm.

On her way back to the bed, she got carried away by the sight of blood, prickle blood falling like tears all over the floor trailing straight through to the toilet and back to where she stand. She froze on the spot while silver tears diluted red blood.

It was an emergency. As he stared half awake with half his eye open to see his wife stand on her blood weeping in fear. He rose to his feet like someone poked with the devils fork. He reached for his car key. In his sagging shorts, and like a bridegroom, he groped her by the knees from behind. without thinking of the consequence of walking out with a bare chest and falling shorts, he dashed to the back seat of his ride, placed her gently on the back seat, dashed to the driver seat, made a quick start, revved the engine and in a second, he was moving to the emergency faster that the wind he's left behind.

The emergency room was cold. The doctors had cold meins. The nurses looked colder. Quietly and gently, he took his sit in the waiting room waiting for the doctors pacifying words. Time appeared to move too slowly. He couldnt adapt to ignorance, he wanted to see his wife, and he wanted to know how she was feeling. He wanted to see her smile again. So he dashed to the resuscitation room where she lain. He dashed to see her smile once more. But before he could get his sight past those closed doors, he met his gaze with a cold nurse. Her facial expression was self explanatory; it was a "get back to the waiting area gaze". Such cold menace.

in solitude and deep thoughts thought that reached infinity every second. The doctor with his cold mien came to make the delivery. He came to deliver the news.

Twas all medical jargons for the entire world cares. Her childs placenta was implanted in the wrong place. A term described as placenta preavia". And anytime, due to stress and physical activities, she might provoke the placenta and cause more severe bleeding and inadvently loose the child. So a wise advice is that she should have losta rest. No stress whatsoever and antenatal visits will become more frequent and everyday she should make a chat and every kick she gets by the growing fetus should be recorded. A day without a kick augurs trouble.

Their unborn child didnt disappoint. He kicked every once in a while. Some days once or twice some others twice or thrice. On and on till time elapsed, - the estimated date of delivery.

It was on another early morning when cocks shout like rogue touts in ajegunle Bus Park. She packed her unborn Childs idol. The pampers, the shawl and some other stuff. Whilst, she called her working husband, sent him resonating kisses through the phone and later hung up after he declared his love the billionth time.

The tarmac floor turned pale. Soon after, it became paler. Soon after it became red and blood stained. More and more blood stain on that point where she stood waiting for an oncoming taxi. Such frenzy she felt and by Athena she prayed she'll get to the hospital soon enough so as to get her unborn baby out alive soon enough. Soon enough, she found herself in the emergency room. Still bleeding this time her red gown gleamed red like the eyes of horses with Apollo. Lying on that resuscitation bed, the cold faced attending nurse pushed her straight to the theatre where the scalpel was waiting in the hands of the surgeon, waiting to tear out her abdomen to bring out the baby. The anesthetist was also waiting to take her away in deep subconscious sleep. It was going to be an emergency caesarian section

It felt like a day had gone past lying in that recovery room. Her husband lay quietly asleep on that sad chair beside her bed resting his head close to her hips, faced down. There was no baby anywhere. They definitely dont keep babies in the recovery room. A gentle tug woke him up and his red eyes had signs of profuse crying. It was easy to understand.

It ended in blood.

they lost the baby, and like someone bewitched she screamed in a depressing tone that brought tears to the eyes of every listening ear. She wept for days. The doctor explained she lost too much blood and that affected the baby circulation and, and the baby gave up life.

Their love, though, never ending, never wanting, never lacking, never stopped growing. Time heals all wound, O yes! This one will be healed by a new pregnancy. A new life will be welcomed safely with arms wide open. In time, everything good will come.

Its a shame love stories end up being the saddest stories.


  1. oh my! this is the sad painful reality of life. great piece.... i love your use of words....

  2. tnx mam, i absolutely appreciate ur comment........
